What other states look like against the backdrop of the US territory: 30 interesting maps

Cards lie. The whole problem is that the surface of the Earth cannot be represented as a plane without any distortion. Since the 16th century, scientists have been developing algorithms that would most accurately help turn the globe into something flat. To do this, they use the projection method. There is no right or wrong way to represent the globe on a plane, it all depends on what a particular map should show. That is, any projection of our planet reliably reflects one thing, while distorting the other. Map creators are constantly forced to juggle with parameters such as area, shape, direction, azimuth, distance and scale.

The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world both in terms of population and area. It is also one of the richest and most powerful states, therefore it is not at all surprising that experts often resort to comparisons of other countries with the United States. They draw analogies in economics, medicine, military power, education and many other areas. The cartographers decided to keep up and show in practice what the territory of other states looks like against the backdrop of the vastness of the Land of Great Opportunities. It turned out very impressive and spectacular.

Australia Russia New Zealand Brazil India Belgium Indonesia China Madagascar Chile Croatia Germany Vatican Japan Poland Italy United Kingdom Argentina Egypt Finland Iceland Norway Vietnam Netherlands Sweden Turkey Austria Georgia Ukraine Philippines

Watch the video: US Historical CountyState Boundaries (September 2024).

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