They need to know in person: the most dangerous snakes in Russia

Fortunately, not so many poisonous snakes live on the Russian expanses, as, for example, in Africa or in Southeast Asia, but they still exist. Therefore, going on a vacation to the mountains or to the forest for mushrooms, it is worth knowing in the face those dangerous snakes that may meet you on the way. Today we will tell and show you the dangerous snakes that live in Russia.

Common muzzle

This poisonous snake in Russia has a very wide range of distribution, which includes steppe and semi-desert ecosystems from the western borders to the Far East. There are frequent cases of the discovery of common muzzles on the outskirts of the settlements where they come because of the abundance of rodents. The bite of these snakes for an adult can result in serious intoxication, but for small children it can become deadly. For cats, dogs, and even horses, these snakes are also a deadly threat.

Ussuri muzzle

This species of poisonous snakes is found in the Far East, in the Primorsky Territory, in the south of the Amur Region and Khabarovsk Territory, as well as on the island of Kunashir. Prefers moist forests and places near ponds. The body length reaches 60-70 centimeters. The bite of the Ussuri muzzle is very painful, but deaths are extremely rare.

Rocky muzzle

The range of this species will include the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, as well as the Amur Region. This snake prefers dry steppes on the plains and in the foothills. Her bite is non-fatal, but very painful.

Tiger already

Tiger snakes in our country live exclusively in the Far East, in the south of Primorsky Krai. Here they inhabit warm, humid places near water bodies, and their bite causes severe poisoning. Interestingly, the presence of poison in tiger snakes is associated with their nutrition. Those snakes that regularly eat poisonous toads, themselves become the owner of toxic weapons, but those individuals whose diet does not include these amphibians are completely safe. But since in appearance it is completely impossible to determine what the tiger already ate for lunch today, it is worthwhile to stay away from all representatives of these reptiles and remember how they look.

Common viper

This is the most common poisonous snake in Russia, which many have heard of. It lives in the forest zone from the western borders of Russia to the Far East, and can penetrate to the north up to the Arctic Circle. In cooler latitudes, this snake can reach a meter in length, although in the middle zone of Russia its sizes most often do not exceed 60-80 centimeters. In most vipers, a zigzag strip of black or dark brown color runs along the entire body, which is clearly visible against the background of the main skin color. But there are also monophonic, almost black vipers, which also pose a danger to humans. Viper venom is dangerous to humans, but deaths are extremely rare and are mostly reported among children and people with poor health. In any case, in the event of a bite, you should immediately seek medical help. These are the color options for an ordinary viper found in nature.

Caucasian viper

The Caucasian viper lives in the mountain and foothill forests of the Caucasus and is found up to a height of 2,500 meters. It can be found on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory and the republics of the Caucasus. Body length does not exceed 50-60 centimeters. On the black body of the Caucasian viper, diamond-shaped bright yellow or orange stripes are clearly visible, but, as with other vipers, monophonic black individuals are found. The venom of a Caucasian viper is more dangerous than the venom of an ordinary viper.

Dinnik Viper

Another inhabitant of the Russian part of the Caucasus, which is better not to meet, is the viper Dinnik. This poisonous snake lives in a narrow strip of the subalpine and alpine zones of the Caucasus and is found at an altitude of 1500-3000 meters. The color of this viper is in many respects similar to the color of the Caucasian viper, but approximately 20-25% of the population has a plain black color.

Steppe viper

The steppe viper is widespread in Russia and lives in steppe ecosystems both on the plain and in the mountains. It occurs from the western borders of the country to southern Siberia, including in the territory of Altai. Gray-brown tones predominate in the color, and dark rhomboid stripes pass from above and on the sides. The bite of a steppe viper rarely leads to death, but it is very painful and causes intoxication of the body.

Earlier, a poisonous species similar in color to the steppe viper, the Lotiev viper, which lives only in the north of the Caucasus, was also attributed to it.

Viper Nikolsky

This type of viper is widespread in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of Russia and the South Urals. Unlike other vipers, adult individuals of this species are always black in color, and body sizes reach 60-75 centimeters. The venom of Nikolsky’s viper is just as dangerous to humans as the venom of an ordinary viper.

Do not confuse this species, as well as other black vipers with harmless ordinary snakes. This kind of snakes can be distinguished by the characteristic yellow spots on the sides of the head.

Gyurza, or Levantine Viper

This is the most poisonous of all snakes in our country. It reaches 1.5-2 meters in length. In Russia, gyurza can be found in Dagestan, where it lives in the dry foothills and on the mountain slopes, rising to a height of 2,000 meters. Gyurza, depending on the habitat, can have a different color, which makes it difficult to identify. There are individuals with a spotty color of various shades of brown, but there are gyurses whose skin surface is monophonic, brown, or even almost black. Gyurza venom is very toxic to humans and can cause death.

Watch the video: TOP 10 Dangerous Animals RUSSIA 2017 - Kevin Hunter (September 2024).

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