An exception to the rule: it turns out there are warm-blooded species of fish

According to the modern classification of the animal world, representatives of the fish class are cold-blooded animals, unable to maintain body temperature other than ambient temperature. But even among the fishes there are exceptional specimens that we will now meet.

Redfin smell or moonfish

These large fish live at a depth of up to 500 meters in the tropical and temperate latitudes of the oceans. The constant movements of the pectoral fins allow the fly to keep the body temperature higher than the temperature of the surrounding waters, even when the fish sinks to cold depths for hunting. Thanks to such movements, the moon fish warms the entire body, including the brain, and its body temperature is 5 degrees higher than the temperature of the water. According to scientists, this allows her to better navigate and respond more quickly to events. It is the red-feathered smell that is considered a full-fledged warm-blooded fish, unlike the others listed below.

Striped Tuna, or Skipjack

Sharks: Mako Shark, Blue Shark and Great White Shark

Mako Shark Blue shark Great White Shark

The body of these sharks also warms up thanks to the work of the muscles, and their body temperature is about 7-10 degrees higher than the temperature of the water. When immersed in cold water, these types of sharks are able to regulate the blood supply to internal organs, blocking the blood flow to the least important parts of the body and saving precious heat.

All these warm-blooded fish species have a significant advantage over other members of their class. They are more mobile and maneuverable in cold waters than, for example, their victims, which allows them to hunt successfully.

Of course, the mechanism of increasing body temperature in these fish is different from the warm-bloodedness of birds and mammals. If the birds and animals standing at the top of the evolution of the animal world have a fundamentally different structure of the heart, the entire circulatory system and respiration, then the fish have made such progress in this area, mainly due to the work of muscles and small tricks with regulation of blood flow.

Watch the video: Chordates - CrashCourse Biology #24 (September 2024).

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