Wolemia - relic coniferous, which miraculously survived from the time of dinosaurs

According to most biologists, on our planet there are still many plant species that are not open and not described by scientists. Studies of inaccessible mountain forests or impenetrable equatorial jungles almost always lead to the discovery of a new species, and in each case it is a great joy for the scientist. ...
  • Did the Vikings have horned helmets

    The word “Viking” has a very specific picture in our head: a huge bearded northerner dressed in skins and armed with an ax (or even two). But the main attribute is a helmet with two horns. This image is very ingrained in our heads, but with the "horned" Vikings is not so simple. Let's figure it out! ...
  • From the air: 17 amazing photos of places to relax

    Summer in our latitudes is coming to an end, but this does not mean that we should say goodbye to a beach holiday. After all, there are so many amazing and wonderful places in the world where at any time of the year you can enjoy the hypnotic noise of the surf and the wonderful hot sun. Photographer Matt Spengard from North Carolina decided to inspire us to plan a tanning vacation with unforgettable bird's-eye photography of America’s most stunning sunny resorts. ...
  • 10 terrifying photos of a deadly flood in Asia that no one talks about

    Recently, all the news feeds of the world media have been full of reports only about the terrible, destructive hurricane "Harvey" that hit Texas. But, alas, in fact, this American state is not the only part of the world that is currently devastated by the flood. For some reason, the news channels completely ignored the terrible heavy rains that rained all August and became devastating for South Asia. ...
  • 16 vintage photos from public archives giving a new look at the past

    You must admit that in old photographs there is some kind of magic and special charm. It seems that with their help we can look into the lives of people who lived dozens of years ago and come up with a whole novel about them! Vintage photographs can be viewed for hours, exploring every detail, delving into every little thing and trying to connect this with the famous milestones of history. ...
  • Rafael Nadal attended the opening of a tennis center in Mexico

    This week, Mexico celebrated the opening of two new resorts in the Spanish Palladium Hotel Group. The landmark event was visited by the legendary athlete Rafael Nadal - on February 19 at the TRS Coral Hotel and Grand Palladium Costa Mujeres Resort & Spa, a tennis academy named in his honor began to work. ...
  • Why shallow Caspian Sea

    The Caspian Sea is named for its large size, but from a geographical point of view it is not a sea. This is the largest inland body of water on the planet, that is, the Caspian Sea - the largest lake on the planet. But in recent years there has been a decrease in the area of ​​the Caspian due to a drop in its level, and soon it may lose its title. ...
  • Dhigali Maldives Kids Club - Stay for free

    Maldives Tropical Island Hotel Dhigali Maldives is a 45-minute seaplane ride from Male International Airport. Appearing less than a year ago, Dhigali Maldives offers its guests non-standard programs for large Maldivian networks. Dhigali Maldives announced that now the stay of a child from 4 to 12 years in the kids club will be free. ...
  • 20 beautiful retro photos on how luxurious train travel was before

    Train travels from the 1930s to the 1960s were truly exceptional and chic. Today, humanity also has something to boast about in the field of rail transportation. For example, the Japanese Bullet Train can take you from Tokyo to Osaka in just 2.5 hours, and Amtrak is already developing super-fast trains, which it plans to launch in 2021. ...
  • South Goulburn: A Stunning Island With 300 People Speaking 9 Different Languages

    The small Australian island is widely known among linguists and is notable for the fact that the small population of this land area speaks immediately 9 different languages. But the most amazing thing is the preservation of such a linguistic diversity for a long time. And if in many other similar places the languages ​​gradually mix, die out and among them there remain 1-2 dominant ones, then this did not happen with the island of South Goulburn. ...
  • Old Believers in Bolivia: how Russians found themselves in a South American country

    If you come to the village of Toborochi in Bolivia, you’ll think that you’ve got to shoot some historical film: pure-haired Russian girls and boys play ball, strong men in shirts and full-length beards catch fish, and women in long sundresses and scarves are busy with the housework. ...
  • A beauty contest in Thailand that will amaze an unprepared guest

    This beauty contest called "Miss Tiffany", which has been held in the Thai city of Pattaya since 2004, is at first glance unremarkable. This year, for example, a whole hundred contestants from around the world aged 18 to 25 take part in it. And all would be fine, but there is one caveat: the contestants are not really girls. ...
  • Lost in time: the photographer found museums in Moscow that no one needs for a long time

    Lily Idova was born in Moscow, but currently lives and works in sleepless New York. Her name can be found in the column "Author" of many vivid shootings for Vogue and GQ. However, her own projects are even more interesting. For example, a series of photographs called "Relics", for which Idova took several dozen photographs in the most unknown museums in Moscow. ...
  • 12 most inexpensive and profitable places to travel for every month of the year

    You have probably heard such travel tips more than once: booking tickets is more profitable on Tuesdays, Wednesday is the best day for flights, and January is the cheapest month for traveling. All of them to some extent deserve attention. But we want to provide you with the most complete and current information on the version of Booking. ...
  • 10 stunning 40s New York photos taken by Stanley Kubrick

    Before Stanley Kubrick made some of the best films of his time, he was an ordinary teenager in New York and was looking for work. But even then, a 17-year-old man with a camera in his hands showed his brilliant talent. We found a series of photographs taken by the great master from 1945 to 1950, when he worked in Look magazine. ...
  • 10 photos of how the UK is experiencing heat waves

    A few days ago, summer literally boiled in Western Europe, where the heat last week broke all historical records. A post appeared on Twitter of the UK weather services that a temperature of 36.9 ° C was recorded in the famous Heathrow Air Harbor, which is unthinkable for this place. And in English Cambridge, the thermometer showed 38 ° C. ...
  • Olinth and his remains

    Greece is a paradise for archaeologists and sympathizers. All sorts of excavations are everywhere visible and invisible. Not everyone will be interested, but for lovers - expanse. So somehow we decided to go to the nearest such place - to the excavations of the city of Olinth. The city was located on a hill, which offers excellent views of the Chalkidian open spaces. ...