Amazing Amazonia: the water world of the Kamayura tribe

There are very few places on Earth where civilization has not penetrated. One of the regions where the tribes of the American Indians live is Amazonia. The rainforests of Brazil are home to one of the most beautiful and amazing peoples of the world - camayura.

The Kamayura tribe, the number of which does not exceed 500 people, lives in the Amazon Selva. Like several other tribes, they live in the territory of the Shingu National Park, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. All conditions have been created here for the Indian tribes to live in the same way as their ancestors, in harmony with the surrounding nature and on their land. But civilization penetrates into these remote corners of the planet: in many villages of Shingu Park there are modern motor boats and solar panels.

Kamayura are one of the most numerous tribes in the national park. Kamayura village, consisting of several houses, has a circular structure. The houses covered with straw are located around the perimeter of the settlement, and in the center there is a very large open area, used for general meetings or rituals by the inhabitants of the tribe. It is noteworthy that in the center of this site is a cemetery, fenced with low columns.

Kamayura cannot imagine their life without water. A river or a lake, the people of this tribe always settle near a large body of water that provides them with water and food. All Kamayuras are wonderful swimmers, and children from a young age spend a lot of time in the water.

The basis of Kamayura food is plant food and fish. Kamayura cleared for planting the jungle adjacent to the village, and are engaged in the cultivation of useful plants. In addition, the inhabitants of the tribe collect wild fruits and nuts.

Despite the fact that Kamayura live in the Amazonian jungle, their life is not the same as their ancestors had a hundred or even fifty years ago. Today, camayuras often become heroes of documentaries and stories on Brazilian television. They communicate with tourists, and medical workers visit their villages.

Kamayura is very friendly and peaceful. They maintain warm relations with neighboring tribes and arrange joint ritual trials. In Brazil, sports are held between indigenous tribes, and camayuras are always happy to take part in them.

Watch the video: Wauja Play Ceremonial Flutes (September 2024).

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