Olinth and his remains

Greece is a paradise for archaeologists and sympathizers. All sorts of excavations are everywhere visible and invisible. Not everyone will be interested, but for lovers - expanse.

So somehow we decided to go to the nearest such place - to the excavations of the city of Olinth.

The city was located on a hill, which offers excellent views of the Chalkidian open spaces.

Local flowers.

From parking to excavation, you need to walk a bit.

Rosemary grows abundantly along the road. They tore off a little to fry the fish in the evening.

Still cozy in Greece ...

Modern Olinfos.

Here we are.

Olinth intensified during the Peloponnesian war, when he accepted into its walls the citizens of many neighboring cities. He became the head of the Chalcis Union of Cities and in the fight against the Athenians, Spartans, Macedonians defended his independence.

After the so-called Olinthian War (382-379 BC), the Olinthian Union was terminated, and Olinth was forced to join the Spartan Union.

The population of the city grew rapidly, and by the time of the offensive of Philip II, there were more than 10,000 inhabitants.

Philip of Macedon, when he planned to take possession of the Thracian coast, met in Olinth a strong and stubborn opponent.

The city appealed for help to the Athenians, whom Demosthenes earnestly advised to support Olinthus, but sufficient assistance was not provided, and Olinthus in 347 BC was taken by Philip, destroyed and was no longer restored.

George the Victorious in the pre-Christian city ??

Floor mosaic.

In addition to rosemary, pears and figs were taken along the road. It was delicious.

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