18 maps that will never be shown at school geography lessons

At school geography lessons, they showed us various maps of the world, but for some reason they did not cause much interest and certainly did not become the subject of discussion during non-academic time. On them we could see the borders of states, population, natural resources of countries, get acquainted with the reliefs of the territories - rather boring information, to be honest. Whether it’s our today's cards! They are so curious and fascinating that, looking at them, you forget about time. True, they were not created for schoolchildren at all.

The most photographed places in the world

Happiness card

Map of the level of sexuality of women in different countries

Map of red-haired Europe

Map of medium-sized female breasts in different countries

Map of medium sized male penises in different countries

How much beer can be purchased for a minimum monthly salary in different countries of Europe

More people live inside this circle than outside.

The number of metal bands per 100,000 population

Google Search Line Autocomplete Results: Europe

Google Search Bar Autocomplete Results: USA

Google Search Line Autocomplete Results: Asia

Map of the level of emotionality of people in different countries of the world

Number of people in the EU aged 25 to 34 who still live with their parents

Countries where homosexuality is a crime

Where is the best and worst of all to be born

Division of the world into regions with a GDP of 1 trillion dollars

2% of Australia's population lives in this region

Watch the video: Maps that show us who we are not just where we are. Danny Dorling (September 2024).

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