A lamp that did not burn out for 100 years, and 4 more devices that survived their creators

Surely many of you at least once thought that the old things seemed to be better and worked longer. Perhaps everything is just so. Indeed, modern manufacturers have long realized the unprofitable production of long-lived goods. In other words, the faster they become unusable, the more often buyers will come for new ones. Today we would like to talk about several items of the past that have been working for many years, and although they have already outlived their creators, they still don’t even think of “dying”.

Watches invented by Arthur Beverly

The watchmaker started them in 1864, and since then they have never stopped. It's all about their amazing mechanism, the principle of which is based on fluctuations in air temperature and its pressure.

A light bulb that shines for more than a hundred years

She can be seen in the fire department of the American city of Livermore (California). According to local information, it has been continuously burning since 1901. Its creator is Shelby Electric Company. The unique lamp is made according to the design of Edison Adolf’s main rival, Adolphe Chaillot, and contains an incandescent filament 8 times thicker than modern ones.

Electric bell at the University of Oxford

The device was born thanks to the workshop of Hill and Watkin. In fact, it was an experiment. At the heart of his work are two high-voltage batteries, in principle, the work of which scientists have not fully understood. Nevertheless, the device has been continuously operating for about 180 years!

A solar panel that has been producing electricity for six decades

Back in the mid-20th century, a British physicist created a prototype of a solar battery to prove to his colleagues that energy can be obtained from the sun. Since the beginning of its work, 60 years have passed, and the device still functions, passing from generation to generation. It looks like a glass ball in the center of which is light-sensitive selenium. It is he who produces electricity, it is worth only the rays of the sun to fall on him.

Japanese computer that has been running smoothly since 1956

In Japan, the Fujitsu Electronics Museum houses the oldest working computer in the world for over half a century. During all this time, he never changed his appearance, while he never broke, did not turn off, and did not even reboot.

Watch the video: 10-Year Anniversary Celebration. Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition - League of Legends (September 2024).

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