Where is the closest black hole to Earth, and how dangerous is it

Black holes are not so easy to detect, and astrophysicists who study them believe that the location of most of these objects is simply unknown to them, and in the theory of black holes there are still a lot of white spots. But have you ever thought about where the black hole closest to our planet is located and how dangerous it is for us?

Black holes are objects in the Universe that possess colossal gravitational attraction, capable of absorbing everything, including light quanta.

And if our Earth or any other planet of the solar system enters the field of action of such a black hole, then it simply will not have a chance of salvation. But how much is this a real threat, and where is the closest black hole to us, of those that scientists were able to detect?

The closest candidate for black holes is in our Milky Way galaxy. The most likely location of the closest black hole to us is considered a double star in the constellation Unicorn, 3,000 light-years from our planet. One of the stars - V616 Monocerotis, also known as V616 Mon, is precisely a candidate for black holes, whose mass is about 9-13 solar masses. One star in this binary system is visible, and astronomers can observe it, but the second is just invisible, as befits a black hole. Its existence can only be guessed from the behavior of a companion star. Other black holes discovered by scientists are much further away, but they are also fixed in binary star systems. V616 Monocerotis, a likely candidate for black holes, so far does not pose any threat to our planet.

Of course, there is a possibility that there are black holes located much closer to our solar system, but they simply cannot be seen. Their presence can be detected only by the effect they have on the nearest objects. But do not panic: the scientists have not yet been able to detect reliable signs of the existence of black holes in our solar system.

Watch the video: Where is the Closest Black Hole? (October 2024).

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