Pyongyang Library - the epicenter of surrealism

One of the standard points of the program of stay in North Korea is a visit to the National Library of the DPRK (People's Palace of Studies). In my opinion, the epicenter of surrealism is located here.

The library is located on the largest city square in the center of Pyongyang - Kim Il Sung Square. It is where military parades are held.

The building of the People’s Palace of Studies is one of the most beautiful in the city.

At the entrance, as expected, an abundance of marble and a statue of Kim Il Sung. According to the protocol, first everyone goes to Kim Il Sung to bow (you can not bow, do not kill - it is checked).



At the entrance are computers.

A visitor to the library can find the necessary book in the electronic catalog.

Of course, I wondered what kind of operating system they had there.

In the elevator is a girl-elevator.

Reading room.

Plenary room

Portraits of leaders (as well as statues) must be photographed in their entirety; otherwise, in the case of checking photographs at the border, they will be asked to delete the photograph. That is, you can’t shoot like this.

English is taught here. By the way, our local guides, having never visited abroad in a linguistic environment, spoke English very well.

Another reading room.

The color palette of books is very similar to the look of the city.

Professor on duty. It can answer any scientific questions of students.

Here (allegedly) foreign books are issued.

Feels like a few western books here are shown only to tourists.

Well, actually, the most surrealism is here:

Watch the video: Military parade celebrates birthday of North Korea's founder amid tensions with US (July 2024).

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