What do the flight attendants do after the passengers leave

When I finally returned to New York, there were some adventures. After landing at JFK, I had to stay on board for another twenty minutes after all the passengers had already reached the terminal. In the process, for the first time in many years of air travel, I was able to observe the “airplane routine” after all passengers left it.

What did I see? And why did I even linger there? Everything is very prosaic:

I slept all the way. I already realized that the best in the Chinese business class is seats. The food and service they have is so-so. Therefore, at the first opportunity, laid the chair in bed and fell asleep.

And then in the middle of the night, while I tossed and turned, my phone fell out of my pocket! And failed somewhere. I immediately woke up from this, started looking everywhere, but nowhere to be seen. It turns out that this is a fairly common problem - business class seats are very complex from a mechanical point of view, and devices of unlucky passengers constantly fall into their different slots and openings.

They said to me: “We’ll fly in, call the mechanics, they will open the chair, find your phone. The main thing is to wait on board until everyone leaves.” And I’m wildly offended - this is just the brand new Pixel 2 that I decided to buy for myself when I realized that the tenth iPhone is not for me.
Usually I get out of the plane one of the first, so as not to stand in lines at the border, and then stood silently and waited for all passengers to leave the plane. Have you ever seen this? That everyone comes out, and some dude in the front ranks of the business is standing and sadly waiting for something. Here, most likely, he dropped the phone in his chair and waits for everyone to come out so that someone comes to his aid. Today I was this stupid.

It's amazing how fast everyone gets off the plane. The board, landing on which actively lasted more than half an hour, was empty in some 7-8 minutes! And this includes grandparents who needed help to get off.
And while the passengers from the back rows were still leaving, the flight attendants had already started to run through the rows, looking for if anyone had forgotten something. On our flight, two coats and one sweater (from different rows) were found, which had to be returned to the passengers before they went too far. Passengers are strictly forbidden to board the aircraft back.

After that, all blankets and pillows from business and housekeeper are collected for washing.

Then a mechanic came and started wielding under the seat in search of my phone. He scooped up various garbage from there, which accumulated there in a couple of years of operation of the cabin.

At this time, the stewardesses, making sure that all the passengers got off (I did not count), began to collect sets that are distributed in business class. Let me remind you that they are so-so on China Eastern Airlines:

At first I thought that the girls were looking for unopened sets so that they could be reused on the next flight (often these packages were sealed, so it was immediately clear whether the passenger had opened them or not). But I was clearly mistaken, because, finding virgin sets, the flight attendants immediately opened them and began to dig in search of some creams that were of interest to them, which were immediately transferred into pockets.

Maybe they collect toothpaste like that, maybe a moisturizer for the skin or one-time toothbrushes. I don’t know, but it all looked rather strange. I was shy about taking pictures of what was happening, so you have to take my word for it.
So, if one of you thinks: “I won’t touch this business set, so as not to create excess garbage, let it be used on the next flight!”, Then this is in vain. He will be gutted right away by the lovely stewardesses immediately after you leave. At least if you fly China Eastern.

P.S. And my phone was eventually fished out, so consider that this story has a happy ending.

Watch the video: World's Funniest Flight Attendant Leaves Passengers In Hysterics (September 2024).

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