89-year-old Japanese woman was interested in photography and can not stop making funny selfies

Most people think that new technologies enter the life of only young people, but the 89-year-old Japanese grandmother Kimiko Nishimoto apparently forgot to talk about this. For the past 17 years, the old woman has been enthusiastically engaged in photography: she takes unique selfies and processes photos herself! And, as you will see below, her style is certainly unique.

Until 72 years old, she never took up photography. But then her son began to teach the basics of photography to everyone, and Nishimoto decided to enroll in his course, completely unaware that this would awaken in her a passion and talent that she did not even think about. She immediately fell in love with photography and began making bizarre and comical self-portraits. After 10 years, she held her first solo exhibition at the local museum of her hometown of Kumamoto. And now she is going to showcase her work in one of Tokyo's photo galleries. The exhibition will be called Asobokane, which means "let's play." Here, viewers will see many previously unrepresented photographs.

Watch the video: Battle Trip. 배틀트립 : Determined Island Thing Tour ENGTHA (May 2024).

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