Ki Gompa - the largest and oldest Tibetan temple, hidden high in the mountains

In India, in the heart of the Himalayas, in the Spiti Valley, is the Ki Gompa Temple. Gompa is a fortified fortress for spiritual training and practices. In Russia, such fortresses were called monasteries. In Ki Gompa, they have long taught and trained lamas, priests of Buddhism.

Ki Gompa - the largest Buddhist temple, it is designed for 300 students.

The monastery is located in an inaccessible place, at an altitude of 4166 meters above sea level. This location was not chosen by chance, the followers of the Buddha were looking for a secluded and protected place for quiet studies. And still they were attacked an infinite number of times. Key Gompa has at least a thousand years of history, but, despite its considerable age, the building lasted to this day. Inside it are priceless images of Buddhas, many ancient frescoes and manuscripts, masks, weapons and musical instruments. Of the ancient things that amaze the imagination, the monastery has two horns 3 meters long. The sound from the horns spreads far along the valley, calling the laity on holidays, for example, on the annual festival “Exile of the Devil”.

The monastery is built in the Chinese style: it feels like one house is set on another. This is because the temple was being completed all the time.

Currently, representatives of Gelugpa, the popular sect of Buddhism, reign in the monastery, where it is believed that the enlightened ones return to earth in a new body.

Watch the video: Tigers Nest in Bhutan - Trekking to the SPECTACULAR Monastery on a Cliff! Final Day in Bhutan (October 2024).

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