10 greatest attractions that are not affected by time

Time is inexorable, it changes everything and everyone, ruthlessly cracking down on brilliance, beauty and freshness. But, as it turned out, even he has favorites, to whom it is more favorable. For example, these 10 grand attractions, for which the last 200 years have passed almost without a trace.

Acropolis and Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Isis Temple on Filet Island

Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

Cheops Pyramid, Giza, Egypt

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Grand Canal, Venice, Italy

Parthenon, Athens, Greece

Arc de Triomphe, Orange, France

St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy

Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy

Watch the video: The 10 Greatest Airtime Moments (May 2024).

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