15 rare photos taken in fascist death camps in the last days of the war

World War II became synonymous with hell on earth. In addition to the deadly fighting, the lives of millions of people were claimed by the Nazi death camps. This was another branch of the underworld, where in terrible conditions those who did not represent the Aryan nation lived and died. We found a selection of photographs taken in the last days of the existence of these terrible places and after their release.

Prisoners of the death camp Bergen-Belsen (Bergen Belsen).

British doctors are completely disinfecting the surviving prisoners of the Bergen-Belsen death camp.

Prisoners leave the camp and look for survivors.

Forest adjacent to the Bergen-Belsen death camp, April 20, 1945.

Transportation of the dead.

The German soldier lost consciousness when he helped to lay down the bodies of dead prisoners.

Mass grave.

Army officers visiting a German jet plane, which was shot down at the Frankfurt airport.

German prisoners in the cemetery of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer. France, May 28, 1945.

The captured Wehrmacht soldiers.

American captain nails a signboard in Russian.

Special forces officers from different countries.

The bridge on the Elbe, blown up by the Germans in an attempt to avoid chaos in the rear of their own troops during the Russian offensive.

Troops return to the UK from the Far East with trophies.

American and Soviet soldiers.

Watch the video: Liberated American WWII Prisoner - "Nazi Concentration Camps" 1945 (May 2024).

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