On a walk, he met a quokka and took a picture with him, but this is not the end of the story!

21-year-old Campbell Jones and his girlfriend were cycling around Rottnest, Australia, when they met perhaps the friendliest quocca on earth. “When I headed for my bike, the quokka chased after me,” the guy says. “I put my GoPro, and he jumped on me!”

When asked about what, in his opinion, the animal attracted so much, Jones jokingly answers that he probably looked very good that day and that was love at first sight.

Quokka is a marsupial animal that lives only in Australia. They are famous for their curiosity. These creatures are quite bold and very friendly, so they easily approach people and even take pictures with them with pleasure.

Watch the video: Dr. Dolittle (October 2024).

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