How others work: 15 photos of jobs for people from all over the world

Someone is delighted with a flexible schedule and work in the fresh air, while someone needs a stable schedule and placement in a cozy office. There is no single, generally accepted idea of ​​an ideal workplace and cannot be, because we are all so different! Let's take a look at how people of different professions and in different positions work around the globe.

Rice makers. India

Office workers during a break. London, England

Worker at the factory. Bridgend Town, England

Garbage collectors. Jambi, Indonesia

Working. England

Seller of a vintage store. Aix-en-Provence, France

Firefighters at work. Dublin, Ireland

Saleswomen go to the market. Nusa Lembongan Island, Indonesia

Woman sifting cereals. Nepal

The operator of a construction crane. France

Tractor driver in the field. Czech

A worker paints a ship in port. Hamburg, Germany

Engineer in a subway under construction. Delhi, India

Tea seller. France

Masai women collect branches to build a hut. Kenya

Rice pickers. Indonesia

Welder. Germany

Watch the video: CLEVER Homeless SIGNS That Actually Work! (June 2024).

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