How they worked at NASA in 1961. No PowerPoint and calculators

No one will argue with the fact that rocket science is an incredibly difficult business requiring special education, deep knowledge, experience and enormous efforts. But, in fairness, we note that in the early 60s of the last century, doing this was hundreds of times more difficult than now.

Today, any person can easily find out how much fuel he will need to get to the moon and back, using some application on his smartphone or find out the weight of Neptune, simply by typing a request on Google. But back in 1961, then at the disposal of NASA scientists was only a piece of chalk and a giant board. And, believe it or not, in the same year they sent the first American astronaut into space. This can be considered a real feat, which is even more impressive if you remember that at that time the electronic calculator was not even invented.

We bring to your attention two rare snapshots that capture the workflow in NASA. Looking at them, you understand how enormous work these people did and how outstanding intellectual abilities they possessed!

Watch the video: I Dont Believe The Moon Landing Happened (September 2024).

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