The couple decided to show their 4-year-old son Europe and drove 28,000 kilometers

Family photo in Scotland

Vladimir bathes in Austria

The best food in the world

Dad plays with his son near the tent.

By ferry they cross from Estonia to the next country on their list - Finland

Overnight in Finland

Finland and its endless sky-high roads

Beautiful Lofoten Islands in Norway

So began the morning of a young family in England

Ancient Irish castle Dunagor

Another camp, but now in France

Colorful Porto, Portugal

What could be more wonderful than meeting the dawn in Spain

Four-year-old Vladimir meets wild monkeys in Morocco

Barbu family crosses a sandstorm in the Sahara

On the edge of the Sahara - Merzouga

Hot night in Morocco: travelers get ready for bedtime rooftop

In Marrakesh, the fourth largest city of Morocco

On a ferry sail from Morocco to Spain

Fantastic beauty Stelvio, Italy

Greece was the last country on their adventure list

Mihai sticks the last sticker on the motorcycle

And here is a map of their extraordinary journey.

Watch the video: India to Australia on a motorcycle. 28K kilometers. RWR (May 2024).

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