Why did the Egyptians make thousands of mummies of crocodiles, and who is a man with a reptile head

The Nile River, pleasing Egypt, is one of the most stretched along the coast on our planet. It helps the people of Africa live, providing it with life-giving waters almost completely. In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that the god Sebek dwells there. Temples were built in his honor and sacrifices were made. God Sebek was then depicted as a man with a crocodile head. In pharaonic times, the role of the holy animal was assigned to crocodiles, these Nile monsters. The crocodile personified infinity, and it was he, according to the Egyptians, who was the master of all spills and ensured fertility. Especially exalted and deified these reptiles in the city of Crocodilopolis. This name was given to him by the Greeks in the 4th century BC. Locals call him Shedit. It is located in the most beautiful place of the Fayyum oasis, near Lake Merida, in a beautiful and fertile valley. This picturesque corner has become the site of the ascension of these reptiles. In the 19th century BC, a magnificent pyramid was built near the city. In the maze adjoining to it, unfortunately, which has not survived to our days, the chosen crocodile lived. The order of choice of the sacred animal is still unknown. The crocodile was fed with dishes, dressed up in gold, and after death they mummified and solemnly buried.

Crocodiles are the only surviving representatives of the reptiles of the archosaurs. The same group includes dinosaurs and pterosaurs. Curious fact: recent excavations have proven that there were vegetarian crocodiles. Nowadays, hundreds of Africans fall prey to crocodiles. This animal caused fear among ancient people, deifying it, they tried in this way to appease the reptile. If a person in those days died due to the fault of a crocodile, he was buried with honors and wealth. It was believed that he was taken by Sebek as assistants.

A magnificent temple, built in honor of the god Sebek, is located in the city of Kom Ombo. Since 2012, there have been showing crocodile mummies. They were transported from multiple burials found nearby. Certainly, such places are fraught with many mysteries and riddled with extremely unusual energy.

Watch the video: Dinosaurs of the Lost Continent. Dr. Scott Sampson (May 2024).

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