20 genuine photos of what Pripyat was before the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

In the Soviet era, atomic cities grew like mushrooms. Pripyat became the ninth such city. These cities were very attractive for young people: they built them near the nuclear power plant completely from scratch. So everything was perfect for life here: wide avenues, good roads, ideal location of houses and recreation areas. No barracks or industrial zone at the entrance to the city, which usually preceded residential areas, all new and beautiful. Moreover, nuclear power plants have always tried to locate away from large cities. Just imagine: there were villages around, villages with dilapidated wooden houses and a dirt road, and here just a few kilometers a modern city grew up with developed infrastructure. These were the real cities of the future with good ecology (often the cities were right next to the forest), excellent housing stock and everything that is necessary for a comfortable life. Satellite towns invariably became a district center, and villagers dreamed of moving here for permanent residence. So, schoolchildren from villages sought to get a good education in order to find their place in atomic city. That was Pripyat: the city was founded in 1970, and by the time of the accident at the nuclear power plant, almost 50 thousand people were living here.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was one of the largest in Europe, the authorities expected that the number of Pripyat would increase to 80 thousand inhabitants over time. The population growth for the small town was very fast: every year about 800 children were born and about 600-700 people came to the city by distribution from different regions of the country. Mostly in the atomic city were young: the average age of the inhabitants was 26 years. We offer to see what life was like in this city before the disaster that shook the whole world.

View of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. On the left is just the fourth block where the accident occurred.

Pripyat was three kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Photo taken from the window of one of the houses.

City center.

Schoolchildren of Pripyat. At the time of the accident, five schools were operating in the city.

Pripyat aerial view.

City flowerbed.

In the courtyards were playgrounds and wide sidewalks. In 1986, there were 15 kindergartens.

House of Culture "Energetik".

The Pripyat River was a favorite vacation spot for citizens.

On it went motor ships on which it was possible to ride.

Also, many went fishing on the river.

In the control unit.

Procession in honor of May 1.


Children draw on the pavement.


Street near the pool "Lazurny".

City cafe.

Pripyat at night.

After the accident, a new city was built - Slavutich. It is located 50 kilometers from the nuclear power plant. It was here that many residents of Pripyat moved to live. Today, about 25 thousand people live in Slavutich, 8 thousand inhabitants moved here as children. A part of Slavutsk people still works at a nuclear power plant.

Watch the video: Inside the heart of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. 60 Minutes Australia (September 2024).

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