Photos and some facts about possums that will make you look at them differently

When mentioning possums, most of us have many unpleasant associations - creepy, dirty creatures that rummage in the garbage. These animals will be called as you like, but not charming. A fundamentally change this attitude is the ability of the #PossumEveryHour Twitter page. Here, netizens share the cutest and funniest photos of their favorite marsupials, showing us possums in a new, very attractive light. We selected the most wonderful pictures from the entire collection, so that, looking at them, you would question everything that you ever thought about these creations.

But let's see where the possums have such an unflattering reputation? Firstly, among the inhabitants there is an opinion that these animals are often carriers of rabies. The truth is that any mammal can be infected with rabies, but the body temperature of possums is so low that it is extremely difficult to survive the virus in their body.

Secondly, these marsupials are often blamed for their excessive love of garbage bins and other waste sites. In fact, possums, one might say pathological neatness. They spend so much time in “garbage” locations precisely because they are engaged in cleaning up waste, while simultaneously cleaning up such places from disgusting parasites like cockroaches, rats, beetles, etc.

In addition, despite the fact that most people note some similarities between possums and rats, in reality, koalas and kangaroos are considered their closest relatives. But unlike the last two species, North America has become the home of possums. By the way, they are the only marsupial animals on this continent.

These animals live from only one year to two years, often dying in attacks of predators. The fact is that, despite 50 sharp teeth, possums are completely non-aggressive. Encountering danger in its path, the possum plunges into a state of coma, the duration of which it cannot control.

Watch the video: How aggressive are opossums? (October 2024).

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