Tigers - wild animal magnetism in 20 stunning photos

Tigers are the largest in size among all representatives of the cat family. Even with a weight of 300 kilograms, they are capable of jumping to a distance of six meters and a height of up to five meters. They are extremely dangerous and skillful predators: they kill their prey by sneaking up behind her and breaking her neck or biting through a large artery.

But, despite all the ferocity, tigers remain unusually beautiful animals, which we are so pleased to admire. Unfortunately, at the moment, the population of these predators in the wild totals only 3,500 individuals worldwide, in captivity they contain slightly more. In connection with this situation, recently in all countries the hunting of these striped handsome men is prohibited.

However, such measures had to be taken even earlier, perhaps then our planet would not have lost three whole subspecies of these amazing animals. Over the past 80 years, the Bali, Yavan and Transcaucasian tigers have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. Thus, to date, six subspecies have survived: the Amur tiger, the Bengal, Indochinese, Malay, Sumatran and Chinese tigers.

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