Mysterious pyramid in the desert of Argentina, which people did not build

Argentina has the impressive salt plain of the Salar de Arizaro, the second largest in the country. Its Martian lifeless landscape stretches for many kilometers, and it becomes even more alien when Cono de Arita appears on the horizon. The ideal cone rises 120 meters above the lifeless desert, where there is no hint of mountains at all. It seems that only a person could do this. Well, or gods. That was what they thought until the beginning of the twentieth century, but later this mountain was investigated by scientists. It turned out that this is a volcano, which simply did not have the strength to throw lava out. The crater never appeared, but such an ideal pyramid formed. And, it seems, this is the most perfect cone in the world, which arose without human intervention. In ancient times, Cono de Arita was considered a sacred place: even before the arrival of the Incas, the pyramid was a ceremonial center. Today, tourists come to see the miracle of nature.

Watch the video: UFO Sightings in Colorado (October 2024).

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