Why did the girls begin to shave their legs, and what role did the war play in this

The war inevitably changes the lives of residents of the participating countries and leads to the most unforeseen consequences. But who would have thought that it was she who became the reason why women began to shave their legs. You think how is this even possible? Now we will tell you everything!

During the Second World War, American women had nylon stockings in fashion. Demand for this wardrobe item was the greatest. Going out into the street in a skirt and not putting on stockings under it at that time was considered something completely unacceptable. However, the war requires sacrifice and women had to bring their own. The fact is that nylon was perfectly suitable for the production of parachutes, as a result of which the ladies began to hand over their stockings in bulk for military needs.

But how now to leave the house without such an important piece of clothing! Nobody wanted to be known as vulgar, and therefore fashionable women had to get out with might and main. Before going to their feet, they began to apply a special cream that tinted and thereby created the appearance of a stocking, and the cosmetic company Max Factor put on sale a pencil that could draw a straight line to simulate a seam.

Underarm shaving was already widespread thanks to glossy magazines, but such a fashion has not yet spread to the feet. But since now women had to imitate the presence of a stocking on them, the hairs immediately betrayed a deception, and it was inconvenient to apply cream to them. As a result, the girls were forced to get rid of them - to shave.

Watch the video: Why Do Women Shave Their Legs? (October 2024).

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