Derbent: the most ancient city of Russia and its mysterious citadel Naryn-Kala

On the western shore of the Caspian Sea, warmed by the rays of the warm southern sun, stands the most ancient city of our country. This is Derbent - the only ancient city that has been preserved in its historical place since its foundation in Russia. He saw the regiments of Alexander the Great, the troops of the Arab conquerors and the cavalry of the Scythians. There are many outstanding architectural and historical monuments, and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Naryn-Kala fortress may include the oldest Christian church in our country.

According to archaeological research, the first settlements related to the Kuro-Arak culture in the Derbent region arose more than 5,000 years ago. The city is located in a very interesting place from a geographical point of view, which determined its strategic purpose in antiquity. This is the so-called Caspian Gate - a narrow flat strip 3 kilometers wide between the Caspian Sea and the mountain peaks of the Greater Caucasus, through which the northern nomadic peoples penetrated south.

According to historians, the first defenses designed to protect the southern peoples from raids by nomads from the north appeared on Derbent Hill in the VIII-VII centuries BC. But the first mention of the village in this part of the Caspian coast dates back to the VI century BC. Later, in the III-IV century BC, the city of Derbent became part of the state formation of Caucasian Alania. And in 313 AD, this state, which included the southern part of modern Dagestan and Azerbaijan, adopted Christianity as an official religion. The construction of the famous Naryn-Kala fortress was also associated with this period in the history of Derbent.

The Naryn-Kala Citadel holds many secrets that have not yet been revealed to scientists. This is part of the defensive Derbent fortress, which consists of several sites that were built in different historical periods. Naryn-Kala is located on the top of a hill, which occupies the closest position to the Caspian Sea, and has an area of ​​about 4.5 hectares. The oldest parts of the Naryn-Kala fortress date back to the 8th century AD, although its construction continued until the 16th century. Here are the remains of the shah's palace rooms, as well as an ancient ceramic pipe water supply system.

One of the main mysteries of the Naryn-Kala citadel is the cross-domed building in its northwestern part, the purpose of which is still under discussion. A number of experts believe that this is nothing more than the oldest Christian church that has survived to this day on the territory of Russia, while other historians believe that this room was a reservoir. Supporters of the temple version indicate a cross-shaped arrangement of walls and the orientation of the building to the cardinal points. A more detailed study of the building is impossible because most of it is underground: the building was filled up after the conquest of the city by Arab troops in the 7th century. But Russian experts are currently conducting research on this part of the fortress using the method of muon tomography. Thanks to a special device, researchers have the opportunity to scan hidden wall sections of the underground, which will shed light on the structure and purpose of this room.

Watch the video: One of the oldest churches 'revealed' underneath Russia's Naryn-Kala fortress using 3-D scanners (September 2024).

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