9 domestic cars, the existence of which not everyone knows

Each of us has our own opinion about the modern domestic automobile industry, however we would like to tell not about what it has become now, but about what it could be. Take a look at these unique and unusual domestic cars that most of us have never even heard of. But what an excellent technological reserve has been lost.

AZLK-2144 "Istra", 1988

This prototype was created by AZLK in 1988, but its mass production did not begin, and the car was much superior to its predecessors and literally ahead of time. Just imagine, a rapeseed oil diesel engine, an automatic transmission, doors opening upwards, an indication of the readings on the windshield and even a night vision device.

VAZ-2106 "Tourist", 1976

On the basis of the "six" in 1976, a prototype pickup truck was launched, the body of which was equipped with an integrated tent. In the future, this car was planned to be technically equipped with everything necessary for off-road movement, since the model had a tourist purpose. However, even this single trial single copy did not have time to completely complete, since the factory management categorically rejected the model.

MAZ 2000 "Perestroika", 1988

The first Soviet model designed specifically for truckers was the prototype of a main truck with an original modular design. Most of the technical units, engine, gearbox, drive axle, etc. located at the front, and the design made it possible to build such road trains of any length and carrying capacity. In 1988, the model was exhibited at the Paris Motor Show and received a very high rating, but it remained the only copy and did not get into production.

ZIS-Sport, 1939

In 1939, a prototype of a sports car on the ZIS-101 chassis was produced at the ZIS plant. Designed by an initiative group of young engineers at the ZIS experimental workshop, the car was presented at the 7th Moscow Party Conference in 1939 and received the approval of Stalin.

LADA 110 (VAZ-21109) "Consul", 1996

Roughly speaking, Lada 110 is the same “ten”, but elongated by 650 millimeters. Such models were produced only by the piece and on order. However, they never found their client and did not receive wide distribution. The main drawback of the Consul was the fact that it is designed for only two passengers.

Lada Samara "San Remo", 1990

When convertibles became fashionable in Western Europe, interest in Soviet cars with this type of bodywork increased - it would have been, because, compared to competitors, they were deadly cheap. Perhaps one of the best designs created in the wake of convertibles by the Soviet automobile industry was Lada Samara "San Remo".

VAZ "X", 1990

The most mysterious VAZ concept, dubbed the "X", was born in 1990. All that is known about him is that in such a futuristic manner, designers tried to create a 7-seater minivan.

Moskvich-G-2-405, 1956

Moskvich-G2-405 is a racing car created in 1956 by I. A. Gladilin. Its main nuances: an aluminum body with fairings of wheels, a fairing of a cockpit with a wind and two side windows completely covering the driver and significantly improving aerodynamics. It was on this car in the same year that the factory racer Yu. Chvirov immediately set three all-Union speed records. The highest speed of the Moskvich-G-2-405 was 223 km / h.

Lada C Concept, 2007

Together with AvtoVAZ and the Canadian company Magna International, the Lada C Concept car was created in 2007. Despite the fact that the design of the concept was its own, the filling was taken from the foreign leaders of the automobile industry. So, the brakes were used from BMW, the seats and the multimedia system were taken from Volkswagen, and the steering wheel from Audi. However, the project did not materialize because it was frozen due to the onset of the economic crisis.

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