What to do when an insured event occurs

An insured event is an event that can seriously overshadow the rest. That is why it is provided for by the insurance contract. In fact, this is the same "contingency" that can happen to every tourist in a foreign country. In the case of medical insurance, an insured event is an injury received on vacation or a sudden illness (an important nuance is the exacerbation of a chronic illness diagnosed before the trip, it does not apply to insured events).

For your own safety, it is recommended that you carry your insurance policy or a photocopy everywhere with you. This can be considered a “zero measure”, which will greatly facilitate all further actions in the event of force majeure.

In general, the algorithm of actions when an insured event occurs is as follows:

  1. Contact an intermediary service, whose phone should be clarified in advance by the insurance company. Such a service is called "assistance", and usually Russian-speaking operators work in it.

  2. Report personal details (name and surname, date of birth) and data of your insurance policy (number, term of insurance, name of the company-insurer).

  3. Follow the instructions clearly. voiced by the insurer or service company. As a rule, the operator himself searches for the clinic closest to the tourist and offers to get to it on his own. In emergency cases, the doctor may come directly to the hotel.

  4. If the insurer does not transfer money for the assistance provided directly to the clinic account, it is important save all checks, receipts and bills with self-paid medical services.

Further, a logical step is to receive payments from the insurer. To do this, you will need to present a passport, insurance certificate and papers confirming the costs of treatment. An important point: each expenditure (whether it is a purchase of a medicine or a visit to a doctor) is important to coordinate with the insurance company by phone. Otherwise, the insurer has the right to refuse payment.

Watch the video: Definition of Insured in Auto Policy Part#1 (May 2024).

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